Acts of the Apostles

View from Chapter Verse to Chapter Verse
[...]   The Lord said to him, ‘Take your sandals off of your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.   [...]

Acts of the Apostles: chapter 7, verse 33

Chapter 28, verses 20-24

20 For this cause therefore I asked to see you and to speak with you. For because of the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.”
21 They said to him, “We neither received letters from Judea concerning you, nor did any of the brothers come here and report or speak any evil of you.
22 But we desire to hear from you what you think. For, as concerning this sect, it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.”
23 When they had appointed him a day, many people came to him at his lodging. He explained to them, testifying about the Kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses and from the prophets, from morning until evening.
24 Some believed the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved.