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Atos dos Apóstolos: capítulo 11, verso 26

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E anche certi filosofi epicurei e stoici disputavano con lui, e alcuni dicevano: «Che vuol dire questo chiacchierone?». E altri: «Par che annunzi divinità straniere!». Egli, di fatto, annunziava Gesù e la risurrezione.
Atti degli apostoli, Capitolo 17, Versetto 18
Trababan también conversación con él algunos filósofos epicúreos y estoicos. Unos decían: «¿Qué querrá decir este charlatán?» Y otros: «Parece ser un predicador de divinidades extranjeras.» Porque anunciaba a Jesús y la resurrección.
Hechos de los Apóstoles, Capítulo 17, Verso 18
Alors Pierre et Jean leur imposèrent les mains, et ils reçurent le Saint-Esprit.
Actes des Apôtres, Chapitre 8, Verse 17
Ils appelaient Barnabas Jupiter, et Paul Mercure, parce que c’était lui qui portait la parole.
Actes des Apôtres, Chapitre 14, Verse 12
Lorsque nous arrivâmes à Jérusalem, les frères nous reçurent avec joie.
Actes des Apôtres, Chapitre 21, Verse 17
Après un séjour de trois mois, nous nous embarquâmes sur un navire d’Alexandrie, qui avait passé l’hiver dans l’île, et qui portait pour enseigne les Dioscures.
Actes des Apôtres, Chapitre 28, Verse 11
Etlich aber der Epicurer vnd Stoiker philosophi zanckten sich mit yhm, vnd ettlich sprachen, was will diser lotterbube sagen? Ettlich aber, Es sihet, als wollt er seltzame Gotter verkundigen, das macht, er hatte das Euangelion von Jhesu vnd von der aufferstehung yhn verkundigt,
Apostelgeschichte, Kapitel 17, Vers 18
who, having received such a command, threw them into the inner prison, and secured their feet in the stocks.
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 16, Verse 24
Some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also were conversing with him. Some said, “What does this babbler want to say?” Others said, “He seems to be advocating foreign deities,” because he preached Jesus and the resurrection.
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 17, Verse 18
Running under the lee of a small island called Clauda, we were able, with difficulty, to secure the boat.
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 27, Verse 16
Then when this was done, the rest also who had diseases in the island came, and were cured.
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 28, Verse 9
E alguns dos filósofos epicureus e estóicos contendiam com ele
Atos dos Apóstolos, Capítulo 17, Verso 18
Porquanto o coração deste povo está endurecido, E com os ouvidos ouviram pesadamente, E fecharam os olhos, Para que nunca com os olhos vejam, Nem com os ouvidos ouçam, Nem do coração entendam, E se convertam, E eu os cure.
Atos dos Apóstolos, Capítulo 28, Verso 27