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[...]   beginning from the baptism of John, to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”   [...]

Acts of the Apostles: chapter 1, verse 22

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Term: mistreat • Found: 3
God spoke in this way: that his seed would live as aliens in a strange land, and that they would be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years.
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 7, Verse 6
The same took advantage of our race, and mistreated our fathers, and forced them to throw out their babies, so that they wouldn’t stay alive.
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 7, Verse 19
When some of both the Gentiles and the Jews, with their rulers, made a violent attempt to mistreat and stone them,
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 14, Verse 5