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Term: well • Found: 21
da sie aber sie nit funden, schleyffeten sie den Jason vnd ettliche bruder fur die vbersten der stad, vnd schryen, Dise, die den gantzen welltkreyß erregen, sind auch herkomen,
Gott der die wellt gemacht hat, vnd alles was drynnen ist, syntemal er eyn herr ist hymels vnd der erden, wonet er nicht ynn tempeln mit henden gemacht,
Aber es wil nit allein vnserm handel dahyn geratten, das er nichts gellte, sondern auch der tempel der grossen Diana wirt fur nichts geachtet, vnd wirt datzu yhre maiestet vntergehen, wilcher doch gantz Asia vnd der wellt kreys Gotts dienst ertzeyget.
Da es aber beschlossen war, das wyr ynn wellsch land schiffen sollten, vbirgaben sie Paulon vnnd ettliche andere gefangene, dem vnterhewbtman, mit namen Julio von der Keyserschen rotte,
vnnd da wyr furen an eynen ortt, der auff beyden seytten meer hatte, sties sich das schiff an, vnd das fodder teyl bleyb fest stehen vnbeweglich, aber das hynder teyl zu brach von der gewallt der wellen.
Sie aber warteten, wenn er schwellen wurd oder todt nydder fallen, da sie aber lange warteten, vnd sahen, das yhm nichts vngehewrß widderfur, verwandten sie sich vnd sprachen, Er were eyn Gott.
For it is written in the book of Psalms, ‘Let his habitation be made desolate. Let no one dwell therein
Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under the sky.
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spoke out to them, “You men of Judea, and all you who dwell at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to my words.
Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope
saying, “What shall we do to these men? Because indeed a notable miracle has been done through them, as can be plainly seen by all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we can’t deny it.
However, the Most High doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says,
They said, “Cornelius, a centurion, a righteous man and one who fears God, and well spoken of by all the nation of the Jews, was directed by a holy angel to invite you to his house, and to listen to what you say.”
“Can any man forbid the water, that these who have received the Holy Spirit as well as we should not be baptized?”
For those who dwell in Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they didn’t know him, nor the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.
that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality, from which if you keep yourselves, it will be well with you. Farewell.”
The God who made the world and all things in it, he, being Lord of heaven and earth, doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands,
He made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth, having determined appointed seasons, and the boundaries of their dwellings,
One Ananias, a devout man according to the law, well reported of by all the Jews who lived in Damascus,
When I was told that the Jews lay in wait for the man, I sent him to you immediately, charging his accusers also to bring their accusations against him before you. Farewell.”
But Paul said, “I am standing before Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you also know very well.